GPSG Climate Crisis Committee 

The GPSG Climate Crisis Committee is a Standing Committee of the GPSG Senate. Led by the GPSG Director of Sustainability, the Climate Crisis Committee is charged with leading GPSG and Duke-wide sustainability initiatives. 

The Director of Sustainability is involved with Duke University’s Office of Climate & Sustainability and serves on the Climate Commitment Advisory Committee, where they provide input on Duke-wide climate-related strategic priorities. The Climate Crisis Committee supports these high-level priorities by providing input on student-level priorities. The Climate Crisis Committee also augments campus initiatives by working with facilities to identify and implement projects across circularity, energy efficiency, etc. 

For more information on how to get involved with the GPSG Climate Crisis Committee, contact the Director (Lauren Ng) at 

2024 – 2025 Goals:

Director Priorities:

1. Empower Student Voice and Involvement:

  • Work with CCAC to host Climate Town Halls to provide forum for students to engage, provide input, and ask questions about Duke Climate Commitment.
  • Share results of Town Hall student feedback (notes from discussion, survey responses) with general student body.
  • Share opportunities for students to engage with climate commitment (Town Halls, SCALE Mini Grants, events from Sustainable Duke, etc.)

2. Promote GPSG Environment & Sustainability Presence: 

  • Participate in monthly meetings for the Climate Commitment Advisory Council (CCAC) which serves as an advisory body to the Executive Leadership of the University (President, Provost, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs, and the Executive Vice President).
  • Develop an end-of-year memo outlining the Climate Crisis Committee’s main actions/achievements of the year, remaining challenges, and recommendations.
  • Target audience is Duke administration, CCAC, and future GPSG leadership.

Fall Programs:

  1. Fall Graduate Basketball Campout: Work with Basketball Ushers and Duke Athletics Department to make Grad Student Campout a Zero-Waste initiative.
  2. Winter Formal: Ensure GPSG’s year-end event to connect all graduate students while promoting an eco-friendly environment.

Spring Programs:

  1. Fossil Fuel Divestment: Work with DUMAC, Duke Divest, and ACIR to increase transparency re: investment portfolio emissions.
  2. Spring Graduate Basketball Campout: Work with Basketball Ushers and Duke Athletics Department to make Grad Student Campout a Zero-Waste initiative.