Resource Directory

GPSG Resource Directory

The GPSG is committed to being a thorough resource for Duke Graduate & Professional Students. To these ends, this Resource Directory has been commissioned and compiled as a hub for all resources available to students at Duke.

A special note on your ombudsperson, listed in the phone book below: The university’s ombudsperson provides a neutral, safe, and confidential environment for your concerns and needs. They are your advocate and assistant in all things conflict-resolution at Duke. Should you have any questions or concerns, or if you don’t know what to do in a certain situation, please contact your ombudsperson for assistance.

For more resources, check out the GPSG Student Survival Guide (last updated in 2015), the GPSG Student Resources page, and the Graduate School Resources page.

GPSG Student Resources

Graduate School Resources

Phone Book

An alphabetical listing of all Duke services covered in this directory after a listing of the respective Ombuds.

Alternative Transportation Options (919) 684-3640
Cynthia Clinton (OIE staff member, Harassment and Discrimination Prevention) (919) 668-6214
Duke Campus Police (919) 684-2444
Duke Counseling & Psychological Services (919) 660-1000
DukeReach (919) 681-2455
Duke Van Services (919) 684-2020
Durham Police Department (919) 560-4427
Duke Student Wellness Center (919) 681-9355
Event Parking and Requests (919) 681-4014
Jean Spauldin, M.D. (Medical Student & Postdoc Ombudsperson) (919) 668-3326
Keegan Cary (Ombudsperson for Students, excluding School of Medicine) (919) 613-2736
Office for Institutional Equity (919) 684-8222
Office of Student Conduct (919) 684-6938
Parking and Enforcement (General contact info) (919) 684-7275
Transit (Bus) and Fleet Operations (919) 684-2218
Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct

Duke University is committed to encouraging and sustaining a learning and work community that is free from prohibited discrimination and harassment. Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct are handled by Duke’s Office for Institutional Equity. The OIE also includes information and resources for Diversity and Inclusion (See this section for more information). To contact the OIE, call (919) 684-8222 or email at

If you need more or different information from what is supplied here, The Graduate School also maintains a list of Resources for Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct, as well as a wonderful resource guide flyer detailing confidential resources, mandatory reporters, and more. You can also check out the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Tool from Student Affairs for assistance with prevention of and responses to sexual misconduct.


Discrimination refers to the unfair or unequal treatment of a person or group based on factors including: sex, age, color, disability, national origin, genetic gender identity, gender expression, race, genetic information, religion, class, veteran status, institutional status, sexual orientation.

Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Misconduct
How to file a Discrimination Complaint
Duke Nondiscrimination Statement
Sexual Misconduct

Sexual misconduct refers to all forms of sexual- or gender-based harassment, sexual or gender violence, sexual exploitation, relationship violence (domestic violence and dating violence), and sex- or gender-based stalking. All forms of sexual misconduct—whether committed by student, faculty, staff, or others—are prohibited at Duke. Reports of sexual misconduct should be filed according to the Duke affiliation of the accused. Accusations against students should be filed with the Office of Student Conduct, while accusations against faculty and staff are reported to OIE.

Confidential Resources

Duke Counseling & Psychological Services (919) 660-1000
Duke Women’s Center (919) 684-3897
Duke Women’s Center After Hours (919) 970-2108
Duke Student Health (919) 681-9355
Student Ombudsperson (919) 613-2736
Any clergy acting as such in their professional role at Duke  

Mandatory Reporters

Office for Institutional Equity (919) 684-8222
Office of Student Conduct (919) 684-7336
DukeReach (919) 681-2455
All faculty and staff (except those designated as confidential)  

Other Resources

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972
Duke’s Commitment to Title IX
Office for Gender Violence Prevention –
Student Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures
Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Misconduct
Career Services
Diversity and Inclusion

The Office for Institutional Equity is Duke’s resource for diversity and inclusion efforts across the University. The OIE also includes information and resources for Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct (See this section for more information). To contact the OIE, call (919) 684-8222 or email at

Diversity Equity Accommodations
Duke Disability Management System
Religious Accommodations
Pregnancy Accommodations
Additional Accommodation Resources
Training and Planning Resources
Request Diversity and Inclusion Training
Duke’s Diversity Toolkit
Training, Workshops, and Educational Sessions
Duke University Institutional Statement of Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
Statement of Duke’s Status as an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer
Additional DEI Resources
Conflict Resolution

As noted at the top of this page, your ombudsperson provides a neutral, safe, and confidential environment for your concerns and needs. They are your advocate and assistant in all things conflict-resolution at Duke. Should you have any questions or concerns, or if you don’t know what to do in a certain situation, please contact your ombudsperson for assistance.

Ombudsperson Purview email phone
Keegan Cary Graduate Students (919) 613-2736
Jean Spaulding, M.D. Medical Students & Postdocs (919) 668-3326
Health and Wellness

You can schedule doctor’s appointments, get prescriptions, or access medical records using Duke MyChart.

DukeHealth 919-626-3854
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) 919-660-1000
Mental & Physical Health
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Campus Center Pharmacy
Duke MyChart
Duke Recovery Group (for students in recovery from substance abuse)
Koru Mindfulness and Meditation Classes
Moments of Mindfulness Activities
Nutrition Services
The Oasis
Psychiatric Services
Physical Therapy
Insurance Help
Dental Savings Plan Information
Health Insurance Quick Guide for Graduate Students
Health Insurance Guide (Student Affairs)
Insurance Plans Information
Medical Expense Financial Assistance Program
Medical and Dental Insurance Guide
Dental Care
Dental Office
Dental Savings Plan Information
Living in Durham

A great resource for finding housing, roommates, or buying and selling is DukeList (like Craigslist, but only for Duke-affiliated persons.

For things to do around our city, check out City of Durham Parks and Rec and Duke Arts.

Parking & Transportation

Parking & Transportation website, or email at

Parking and Enforcement (General contact info) 919-684-7275
Transit (Bus) and Fleet Operations 919-684-2218
Event Parking and Requests 919-681-4014
Alternative Transportation Options 919-684-3640
Duke Van Services 919-684-2020

Off-Campus Housing

International House 

Family Care