Lawyer Assistance Program

The Lawyer Assistance Program provides students with three essential resources: counseling, risk reduction, and mitigation of legal charges. Consultations are held remotely and at no cost to current graduate and professional students.

Please fill out the survey. You will receive an email within 3 business days with instructions to set up a consultation with the lawyer. 


Lawyers are legal counsel. Being able to meet informally with an attorney provides the individual student the opportunity to confidentially discuss any of a wide array of legal problems in a safe place. On the other hand, the LAP provides an avenue to appraise the student of their options if they believe that they have been wronged or are the subject of a legal matter.

Risk Reduction

The LAP can have a preventative role, offering presentations regarding matters such as premises and host liability, or individual rights once one has been stopped or detained, or the Constitutional protections against unlawful search and seizure. There is also a presentation on understanding sexual assault.

Mitigation of Legal Charges

Lastly, the Program can have a curative role as well by working directly with the student. For example, through plea bargaining, charges are often reduced. Sometimes agreement can be reached to even drop charges after a certain amount of community service hours are performed. Also, sometimes there are paths to have prior charges expunged from the defendant’s record.


Please fill out the survey. You will receive an email within 3 business days with instructions to set up a consultation with the lawyer. 

If you have questions, please contact GPSG Director of Academic Affairs. Please do not include any sensitive information in your inquiry.