GPSG Climate Crisis Committee 

The GPSG Climate Crisis Committee is a Standing Committee of the GPSG Senate. Led by the GPSG Director of Sustainability, the Climate Crisis Committee is charged with leading GPSG and Duke-wide sustainability initiatives. 

he Director of Sustainability is involved with Duke University’s Office of Climate & Sustainability and serves on the Climate Commitment Advisory Committee, where they provide input on Duke-wide climate-related strategic priorities. The Climate Crisis Committee supports these high-level priorities by providing input on student-level priorities. The Climate Crisis Committee also augments campus initiatives by working with facilities to identify and implement projects across circularity, energy efficiency, etc. 

Major Work & Accomplishments: 

  1. Serve on the Climate Commitment Advisory Committee 
  2. In 2022, worked with Duke Divest to publish a memo to ACIR detailing the importance of fossil fuel divestment